This time I want share how to hide/show menu from Start menu in Windows XP. As you know Run menu is gate to go everywhere in your computer, so you can hide it for security reason. This trick is configured from Registry Editor but if you want make it with Visual Basic Script just check it here..

1. Open Registry Editor via Start - Run menu and then type regedit in textbox then click OK button.
2. Pointing your registry to path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Sotware\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Policies\Explorer\ then higlight the key.
3. Right click on empty space at right panel and choose New - DWORD value menu then rename it with NoRun.
4. To hide Run menu change value from 0 to 1 and to show it just change it from 1 to 0.


  1. Unknown // January 31, 2010 at 12:58 AM

    thnks for your sujjession.