Make CRT Monitor be Healthier

Posted by EdSto | 10:01 PM | | 0 comments »

I think you've knowing that LCD monitor is healthier than CRT monitor because LCD doesn't flicker so your eyes isn't tire in short time and contrary with LCD monitor, CRT monitor has flicker in its screen because CRT monitor must be refresh its pixels with scanning it. So, if you get lower refresh rate on your CRT monitor so as your eyes will be tire soon.

Yup, I know the solution is very easy replace the CRT with LCD monitor :), but on other hand LCD monitor is pricey than CRT monitor. And just set your monitor refresh rate be more higher and even configure the refresh rate to the top of capability of monitor. If you exceed it your monitor will flicker and doesn't display correctly because your monitor doesn't capable to doing refresh rate from its to limit. Like my monitor has refresh rate range from 60-85 Hertz and Windows has give some options 60, 75, 85Hertz and make sure that you're choosing 85Hertz as your refresh rate setting.

To configuring your refresh rate monitor, right click on empty space at your desktop than click Properties menu to open Display Properties dialog (you can open it via Control Panel - Display too) then click Settings tab after Display Properties is opened, then click Advanced button. After its dialog is opened click Monitor tab and you can configure your refresh rate monitor at there. And make sure that Hide modes that this monitor cannot display radio check has checked (that option to put safe range value in refresh rate combo box). At last choose highest value in Screen refresh rate combo box and your CRT monitor be more comfortable to look and that's makes your eyes be healthier.