Sometimes, spaces are source of troubles on Microsoft Excel or NeoOffice Spreadsheet or another spreadsheet applications. Because if you have an calculate cell which calculate an cell or more, insert spaces accidentally can make some troubles in result cell. For example if you're create a result cell in cell A3 that contains formula to multiply between values in cell A1 and A2, then your user input a value and fill a space in cell A1 accidentally, so your result sheet will display an error and that will confused because space is invisible character.

So to prevent this case, just use TRIM function to remove the unneeded space(s) at left and right text in a cell. To use TRIM function, just type =TRIM(cell). For example, to clean the unwanted space on cell A1, type =TRIM(A1) and you'll get a "clean" text.

With this function you can reduce the error on your spreadsheet project.