Round Your Numbers

Posted by EdSto | 10:37 PM | , | 0 comments »

If you work with decimal number every day, I sure you often work with rounding numbers too. It happens usually because you want to create results that have a same decimal number format. So, you have to decide it first, you want to round it up or down or automatically by Excel.

In Excel you can round numbers with three functions. The functions are ROUND, ROUNDDOWN and ROUNDUP. To understand the difference between those functions you can see the picture that I’ve attached in this article.
Those functions have the same syntax. Their syntax is: ROUND(number_source_cell;number_digits) and you can apply the same syntax to ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN functions. The differences between those functions are ROUNDUP will round up your numbers, ROUNDDOWN will round down your numbers, toward zero and ROUND is similar with ROUNDUP.
You can take time to make some experiments with those functions to increase of understanding to these functions.