By default, Windows XP always pointing installation program to C:\Program Files\ folder as their installation result destination. Also, Common files which always using by other softwares save in C:\Program Files\Common Files\.

But don't worry, you can modify its setting and pointing to other folder. For example, if you have 3 partitions and you want all installed softwares put in second partition and the second partition named drive D: and you want all softwares intalled in D:\Program Files, you don't need to 'sweating' to do it, just modify a key value in your registry.
Is like usual, to open Registry Editor, click Start - Run menu, type regedit in textbox then press Enter. In Registry Editor, pointing the cursor to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SOFTWARE | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion path.
In CurrentVersion key, look for ProgramFilesDir, by default Windows XP give it value C:\Program Files\ if you want to change it, double click ProgramFilesDir key then change to your own folder such as D:\Program Files\. If you want change the Common folder too, highlight the CommonFilesDir key, double click it and then give it your own folder such as D:\Program Files\Common.
Restart your computer, now your Program Files folder has change to your owns.