Monetize Your Blog/Website

Posted by EdSto | 8:00 PM | | 0 comments »

Have you monetize your blog or website ? If the answer is no, so you must know that you can get money from your blog. And there are so many advertising companies that provide online ads for your blog. And my favorite ads service is Google Adsense. Google Adsense is owned by Google. So because they are a big company, you don't need worry about the payment, they will pay you.

OK, I am consider you'll start from zero. Follow these steps to start your monetize blog.

  1. Think the idea that will insert into blog.
  2. Sign up blogger, it's free.
  3. Sign up Google Adsense.
  4. Wait until your application approved by Google Adsense team.
  5. If your application already approved, login onto your blogger account then choose menu Template - Page Elements. Click Add Page Element then choose Adsense in list.
  6. Choose your size, color that you like. You can blend it with your blog colour. You can make some experiment with them, find your best format and colour.
And don't forget the most important that must get attention is don't violate the Google Adsense TOS because you can banned. Keep update your blog with good articles, be patiente, try to join to forum which talk about Google Adsense to increase your knowledge about it.
In updating content make it in regular interval, for example once update in two days or everyday.