My Favorite Mac's Image Browser

Posted by EdSto | 7:50 PM | | 0 comments »

When I used Mac OS X for the first time, I was looking substitute softwares for my Macbook. And image browser application is one of my priority which I have to looking at. I look image browser application which has rename file by series, export to major image formats, slideshow images, basic image editing abilities and freeware :D and that's not easy... I might tried them one by one until I find it.

Obviously, I could find many image browser programs out there easily but to find the software which I like is not easy. But finally, I've find it, the application is CocoView X. CocoView X has all ability that I need. I can rename multiple files to the same filename with series number, export to major image formats and I can create a slide show from my picture files. And it's free. So my job as a web developer become more easier, I can export them to jpeg files with vary compression scale and rename many source files to the same filename format so I can organize them easily.
Hopefully, This article may helps you if you're looking an image browser for your Mac.