Start Menu is our gate to go everywhere in our computer. And that's useful for us. But on other side if another user can modify your Start Menu, you can get a trouble with it. To make is safer, just disable right click ability in Start Menu. Because if you right click the Start Menu item, they can modify it, including delete it.

To disable it, we'll play with registry again. OK, like usual to modify registry we'll need Registry Editor and to open it click Start - Run menu, type regedit in box and then press Enter to execute it. In Registry Editor, pointing to HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | Explorer path. Then, create NoChangeStartMenu DWORD value if you don't find it by right click on empty space at right panel, click New - DWORD value menu and then replace the key name with NoChangeStartMenu name.
If NoChangeStartMenu has created, double click it and replace the value with 1.
Close Registry Editor and restart your computer. Now, your user can't right click in Start Menu.