If you create spreadsheet project with Excel or others spreadsheet application, maybe your users often to make mistake when they're inputing the data into it. Sure, it will make error result and make them irrelevant whereas if the data are in number format.

OK, just give it a prevent formula to make it safer. In this case, I will change the error result into number:0. So, you can to keep the relevant of data.
I combine IF formula and ISERROR formula to prevent the error result. For example if you want divide cell A1 with cell A2 to create percentage between those cells create the formula like this : =IF(ISERROR(A1/A2);0;A1/A2). So, if you input the error character such as a letter; normally, you'll get #VALUE result or another error result normally but if you use that formula you'll get result: 0 so you'll get a normal result if you calculate them.
That formula will detect the result from dividing between cell A1 and A2 and if the result is error so IF function will give you 0 number and if the result is normal so youl'll get result A1 divide to A2. You can look my attached picture to better visualization.