If you right click your Taskbar you'll get its Context Menu. From the menu you can explore and manage your Taksbar configurations. You can auto hide it, lock the taskbar, show/hide Recent Documents menu, change to classic start menu, manage start menu item, clear Recent Documents list, hide/show clock, show/hide the quick launch bar, and others. And to configure it, it's so easy. Just check and uncheck some options in there and it'll works. directly and that's will help us to configure it faster but that's a gate to screw up your computer too and to fix it will waste your time, so make a preventing action to make it safe.
To make it safe, that's easy, just disable the context menu. This time, we'll playing again with registry. OK, like usually open your Registry Editor first (by click Start - Run menu, type regedit in textbox then hit Enter key) then pointing your cursor to HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | Explorer then create a DWORD key (right click on empty space in right panel) in there, replace original name with NoTrayContextMenu the double click it then change its value to 1. (If NoTrayContextMenu key has exist, just change its value to 1)
If it's done, close Registry Editor and restart your computer to apply it but when I've try it, I did not necesarry to restart my computer to apply my registry changed.
Now, try to right click your taskbar, if its context menu doesn't show up, it means your work is success.
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