Manage Recent Documents

Posted by EdSto | 7:19 PM | | 0 comments »

I'd write about clean up harddrive twice at here and here. This time, I want write about cleaning up link files to our opened documents. After you open a file, whatever is that, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, JPEG file, Windows XP will make a link to those files that will displayed as recent opened documents, you can open it in Start Menu - My Recent Documents menu. In a side, this feature will help us to open an recent opened document, but on other side, do you know that Windows XP will keeping all link files in Recent folder inside your Profile folder, although in My Recent Documents menu Windows XP just diplayed about 20 link files ? So if you're not manage them, they'll eat your harddrive space.
To remove them Windows XP give us some options to do :
First way, Right click your taskbar, click Properties menu in context menu, click Start Menu tab. If you're using Standard Start Menu, click enabled Customize button, in Customize Start Menu dialog click Advanced button and then click Clear List button in Recent Documents section/frame. O, I almost forget you can hide and show the My Recent Documents menu with check or uncheck List my most recently opened documents radio check's option. And if you're using Classic Menu, click Customize button beside it then click Clear button in Customize Classic Start Menu dialog.
Second way, open recent documents folder and delete them manually, to do that, click Start - Run menu then type %USERPROFILE%\Recent then hit Enter key. In Recent folder click a file inside it randomly, click Edit - Select All menu or press Ctrl + A keys to select all files inside Recent folder then press Shift + Delete keys to remove them all.
Now, open your My Recent Documents menu and you'll get it clean.